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Glossary of Terms

Family Wide Settings and Parameters

Parameters and settings that reflect throughout ALL types within the family.
These can be specified in two ways;

1.    By specifying the value in the formula column within the family types dialog box.

2.    By specifying a value within a nested component and not linking through to the final family.

This has the effect that the valued specified is reflected through all types. Family wide parameters can easily be amended through the Door Factory or by manually editing the door in the family editor and changing their values.

Type Parameters

Parameters that only reflect in the current type within the family. They can be amended through the Door Factory or by editing the type properties of the door within a project.

Instance Parameters

Parameters that only reflect in the current placement (or instance) of the family. They can only be changed from within the element properties of the family while within a project.


Parameter name within all RevitWorks Door Factory doors with the family wide value of “RevitWorks Ltd”. This is required so the Door Factory can ensure it is a RevitWorks door or component that it is working with.

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